Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blonde Ops by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman

I received Blonde Ops when I went to Teen Author Carnival. It wouldn't have been something I would have picked up because of A) the cover and B) the title. Maybe I would have picked it up if I had just been able to read the summary without seeing the title or cover. But besides that I really liked this book. Bec, the main character, is definitely my kind of girl. A kind of punk she is at the mercy of her mother as she is sent away to be the ward of a woman who runs a fashion magazine. And where might this place she is sent away to be? Well Rome of course! Torn between two guys, running around doing errands for the magazine, and trying to uncover what happened to the woman, Parker, who's care she was in.

I enjoyed the mystery and setting of this story, along with the character Bec. She is one of those characters that you are endeared by and rooting for until the very end. Especially when the odds are stacked against her. This girl is seriously resilient and a kick ass girl, she doesn't just lay down and take what's going on without a fight. She travels around Rome in hopes of thwarting a plot against the First Lady while also trying to find out who tried to kill Parker.

I give this book a four out of five for having kick ass characters, a very beautiful and amazing setting, keeping my interest, and a mystery that kept me reading until the very end!

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