Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dark One Rising by Leandra Martin

I had gotten this book because I won the second in the series through Goodreads First Reads and I loved every minute of it. The cover art is obviously beautiful and the story inside matches it a lot. Two things I have to complain about, the length of the book was a little boring in some parts but these slow parts were needed for later parts of the story as not to confuse the readers, and second was some of the language that was used didn't fit the time period. But other than that this book was really awesome and kept me on the edge of my seat with all of the romantic notions, action, and plotting! I absolutely adored how the bad guys had hidden agendas that were slightly known but not truly since they were even hiding it from themselves (especially with the Dark One). Fans of Game of Thrones and Tamora Pierce will adore this book, with all of its twists, turns, romance, and great heroine that everyone will fall in love with. 

The author of this book is super sweet, she didn't have to send me this book as well (heck, I got the 2nd and 3rd books in series from being a First Reads winner and had to buy the first books myself!!) but she did which was very kind of her, seriously. Go check her out on goodreads alright?

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